Solitaire by Brain Fitness is the first Solitaire game for Android created according to Google Material Design. We’ve optimized layouts in order to give players access to all core functionality in one click. We respect our customers that’s why we don’t have full screen ads and we can guarantee that we will never use them within Solitaire!
Of course we do have amazing animations, great graphic content and all basic features and game modes. You will enjoy playing Solitaire on phone and tablet. We are constantly improving our software and we are open to your feedback. Feel free to contact us if you have any ideas or requests. We will appreciate your comments or suggestions.
Thank you for choosing Solitaire from Brain Fitness. You made the right choice. Happy playing!
Sincerely yours, Brain Fitness team.
Solitaire oleh Brain Fitness adalah game Solitaire pertama untuk Android diciptakan menurut Desain Bahan Google. Kami telah dioptimalkan layout untuk memberikan akses ke semua fungsi inti pemain dalam satu kali klik. Kami menghormati pelanggan kami itu sebabnya kita tidak memiliki iklan layar penuh dan kami dapat menjamin bahwa kita tidak akan pernah menggunakannya dalam Solitaire!
Tentu saja kita memiliki animasi yang menakjubkan, konten grafis yang besar dan semua fitur dasar dan mode permainan. Anda akan menikmati bermain Solitaire pada ponsel dan tablet. Kami terus-menerus meningkatkan perangkat lunak kami dan kami terbuka untuk umpan balik Anda. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami jika Anda memiliki ide atau permintaan. Kami akan menghargai komentar atau saran.
Terima kasih telah memilih Solitaire dari Brain Fitness. Anda membuat pilihan yang tepat. Senang bermain!
Hormat kami, tim Brain Fitness.
Solitaire by Brain Fitness is the first Solitaire game for Android created according to Google Material Design. We’ve optimized layouts in order to give players access to all core functionality in one click. We respect our customers that’s why we don’t have full screen ads and we can guarantee that we will never use them within Solitaire!
Of course we do have amazing animations, great graphic content and all basic features and game modes. You will enjoy playing Solitaire on phone and tablet. We are constantly improving our software and we are open to your feedback. Feel free to contact us if you have any ideas or requests. We will appreciate your comments or suggestions.
Thank you for choosing Solitaire from Brain Fitness. You made the right choice. Happy playing!
Sincerely yours, Brain Fitness team.